The Casting Room: Gary

New at The Casting Room, tough sporty Gary has a masculine body with a broad hairy chest, gigantic thighs and a big set of testicles. It’s sexy how his face has been marked with warrior wounds from repeated injuries playing rugby and boxing. It’s easy to imagine facing this hunk’s raw aggression on the field as he tears into you and then joking around with him soaping up in the locker room showers after practice. He has ambitions to make a lot of money quickly from being in porn, so if he can work on his hetero-flexibility, he has a chance of becoming a big star!

| Want to see more of Gary? Click here |

The Casting Room: Sajid

Sometimes the expression on a guy’s face can be a real turn on. New dude at The Casting Room, Sajid has a really wicked smile and a way of sticking out his tongue when talking about nasty sex which is really arousing. He’s a pint-sized hottie with a trim body and generous tuft of chest hair. When he gets a hard on it looks massive against his lithe torso. He’s only ever had sex with women but, like a certain famous British diver, he shows a keen interest in trying it on with men. It’s well worth watching this horny excited guy’s physical and wank videos.

| Want to see more of Sajid? Click here |